Why don’t founders of Ukrainian outsourcing companies launch their own IT products despite their unique technical expertise, powerful teams, and ambitions? This question often goes unanswered, but today we’ll analyze three popular myths that hold back the potential of our talented developers.
Myth one: Product development is a marathon, not a sprint
Many people believe that developing an IT product is a long and tedious process. But is it so? Let’s find out.
The classic approach to developing enterprise solutions is as follows:
- An audit is conducted, a technical task is created, and a detailed plan is developed.
- A schedule is prepared, and a Gantt chart is built.
- Phased work begins.
- The project is handed over to the customer.
This approach works great when the client pays for everything. But when it comes to your product, this model can become a trap. We are used to making projects more expensive and longer, but for a startup, this can be fatal.
Instead, we need a real startup approach:
- Choosing a niche and validating the idea.
- Create an MVP (minimum viable product).
- Testing on real users.
The key point is that you should start not with a prototype, but with an understanding of the problem your product solves. No problem means no product. Most projects “die” precisely because they fulfill the founder’s fantasies rather than solve real client needs.
Myth two: Don’t start without solid investments
You can often hear that to launch an IT product, you need at least 25-30 thousand dollars a month. Where does this figure come from?
A typical calculation looks like this:
– CEO to organize the process: 4-5K per month
– CMO for marketing strategy: 2-3K per month
– Development team (3 people): 6-9K per month
– Promotion costs: at least 10K
In total, it comes to 22-27K, not including other expenses. But is all this necessary at the start?
An alternative approach:
- Find one simple solution to the client’s main problem.
- Implement it in a couple of weeks with 1-2 developers.
- Start making money from the second month.
Example: Clients have problems with repeat sales. You create a simple interface for entering client data, scheduling contacts, and sending notifications. No complicated features – just what brings money to the client right now.
Remember: clients don’t choose you for your beautiful interface or knowledge of frameworks. They choose you for your ability to solve specific business problems with the help of IT technologies.
Myth three: There is no success without Silicon Valley
Many people believe that to successfully launch a SaaS product, you need to live and work in Silicon Valley. But does geography determine success?
A success story: David Brown
In the early 2000s, David ran a web studio in Mykolaiv, Ukraine. Then he started selling website templates. Today, Templatemonster.com, which he created, is one of the largest template marketplaces in the world with a turnover of tens of millions of dollars a year.
David’s new project is Weblium, which works on a SaaS model:
– $399 for creating and customizing a template
– $15 per month for hosting and technical support
Let’s compare this to traditional freelancing:
– A freelancer earns $500 once
– Weblium earns $939 in three years from one client
In the six months since its launch, the company has gained several hundred clients. The approximate turnover for this period is 130 thousand dollars.
This model is beneficial for everyone:
– The client pays less and gets a complete solution to his problem
– David generates a stable cash flow for 3 years ahead
And all of this is done by the hands of Ukrainian marketers, developers, and support staff.
- Focus on solving real client problems, not on realizing your fantasies.
- Start with an MVP that can be quickly launched and tested on real users.
- Don’t be afraid to start small. It’s better to have a simple product that makes money than a perfect one that no one buys.
- Use the advantages of the Ukrainian IT industry – talented professionals and the best price-quality ratio.
- Think about the long term. The SaaS model can provide a stable income for many years.
- Don’t wait for perfect conditions. Successful products are not created only in Silicon Valley.
Remember: your experience in outsourcing is not an obstacle, but an advantage. You already have technical skills and an understanding of business processes. Now it’s time to apply this knowledge to create your product.
Creating a successful IT product is not just a technical task. It’s the art of balancing technology, business and understanding client needs. And you have all the necessary ingredients for success. All you have to do is take the first step.
So don’t be afraid to experiment, look for your niche, and remember: the best products are born out of real problems and bold solutions. Who knows, maybe your product will be the next Ukrainian success on the global IT scene.